Dog Park Rules & Etiquette
Legal Responsibility
Owners are legally responsible for their dog's behavior.
Dog Waste
Owners are responsible for cleaning up and disposing of waste left by their dog.
Owners must also provide their own supplies to accomplish these tasks.
Owners must carry a leash at all times,
Leashes should be removed immediately upon entering the park.
Dogs must also be leashed when exiting the park.
Attention & Presence
Owners must pay attention to and remain with their dog inside the park at all times.
Number of Dogs
Owners are limited to 3 dogs per person.
Dangerous Dogs
Dogs with a history of aggression or dangerous behavior are prohibited.
Dogs must be removed immediately at the first sign of dangerous behavior towards people or other dogs.
Excessive barking is prohibited.
Fixing, Neutering
& Dogs In Heat
Female dogs in heat are prohibited.
Male dogs over one year of age must be neutered.
Dogs must wear a collar with identification at all times.
Owners must stop dogs from digging and immediately fill holes.
No food is allowed within the dog park.
This is to prevent dogs from being possessive or protective over food..
Children under the age of 8 years old are not permitted within the dog park.